Private Health Care Spain

Sanitas Travel Assistance

When you are travelling abroad it is great to have the peace of mind that your healthcare needs will be taken care of, wherever you are. Travel assistance is included in all policies, with no need for you to pay an additional premium and this incorporates a helpline which is available 24 hours a day.

Medical Costs

What is included?
Sanitas work in collaboration with Europ Assistance to provide you with cover to a limit of €10,000 per person, per claim, when you are travelling abroad.  You are able to choose which clinicians and hospitals you use and you are covered for both accidents and illnesses, as long as these occur while you are travelling beyond Spain.

The following services are included:

  • Medicines and drugs received from a prescription issued by a physician
  • The charges made for your visit to see a doctor
  • Costs resulting from treatment provided to you abroad due to accidents and illnesses that take place abroad
  • Charges made for hospitalisation
  • Ambulances charges for transfers ordered locally by your clinician
  • The charges made for emergency dental care (some exclusions apply)

What is not included?

  • Charges made by physicians if less than €3 
  • Spectacles, contact lenses, prostheses and crutches 
  • Expenses attributable to illnesses or conditions that were already evident before travel (unexpected complications will be covered); treatments which have already been organised in Spain; treatment for pregnancies which arise after the initial 150 days of the pregnancy 
  • Healthcare issues which are a result of earthquake, flood, volcanic eruption, war, insurrection or uprising 
  • Attention required as a result of taking part in competitive motor sport 
  • Nuclear radiation 


€10,000 per person, per claim.

If you are admitted to hospital by your doctor, then the additional accommodation costs will be reimbursed for the person who accompanies you, as long as they are also insured under your policy.  The limit for these costs is €60 per day, for up to 10 days.


What am I covered for?
If you suffer an accident or illness when abroad and medically supervised transport is required, then the following transport will be arranged by Europ Assistance, taking into account which is most appropriate according to your medical condition:

  • air ambulance (aircraft or helicopter)
  • scheduled flight
  • first-class sleeper train
  • ambulance – or sledge if injured on a ski slope

Cover is provided by Europ Assistance for a relative to join you abroad if you have no direct relative with you  when hospitalisation occurs and you are required to remain in hospital for more than five days.  In these cases, the relative will receive economy air or first class rail travel on a return basis from Spain to the country where you are hospitalised.  They will also receive up to €60 per day for up a maximum of five days to cover accommodation and other costs in relation to the emergency visit.

In these circumstances, the transport  and hospital you will be taken to will be decided by the Europ Assistance physicians.

What is not included?

  • Any condition or injury which may be dealt with immediately in-situ and which does not abort or delay travel.
  • Chronic conditions or psychiatric illnesses which affect your state of health.
  • Deterioration of an existing condition or recovery from an existing condition where these were ongoing at the time of travel.
  • Conditions arising from pregnancy, with exception of conditions which arise in the first 150 days of pregnancy.
  • Travel expenses and accommodation costs should your family accompany you to hospital.


Legal costs

Time frame
In the event that you are subject to prosecution or imprisonment in the country of travel, Europ Assistance will issue a payment to cover the demand for bail, issued by the local authority, up to a limit of €10,000.  However, these funds must be repaid to Europ Assistance within two months and a guarantee of repayment may be required from you before the funds are issued.

Delivery of drugs and medicines

What am I covered for?
In the event that drugs and medications prescribed to you are not available where you are, they will be delivered to you from an alternative source and this will be arranged as part of your cover.

What is not covered?

  • Situations where the drugs or medications are no longer manufactured
  • When the items are not available from regular distributors in Spain
  • Prescription costs. Europ Assistance will issue you with an invoice

Assistance with communication
If you are unable to send urgent messages, Europ Assistance will do so on your behalf (conditions apply).

The above service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Simply call the overseas assistance line detailed on your membership card.  Reverse charge calls will be accepted. This service is available for up to a limit of 90 days.

Use of services
Overseas travel assistance may only be used when your premiums have been collected to date.  The telephone service relates specifically to the overseas assistance number detailed on your membership card.

Overseas Travel Assistance number: +34 91 3456584
The General Terms and Conditions of the Healthcare Policy shall apply insofar as they do not oppose these terms and conditions. This supplement is additional to the Healthcare Policy, and shall only be valid in conjunction with that Policy.

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